Di jaman modern ini setiap orang memiliki kesibukan yang cukup padat sehingga tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan kegiatan dasar rumah tangga, misalnya mencuci. Dengan kehadiran mesin cuci tentu hal ini sangat membantu dan meringankan beban khususnya beban ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam mencuci. Tahu mesin cuci kan?
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The Launching of GenWI Chapter India
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Well as I said in the last post, I will continue share about my Delhi day. So here is my day 2 in New Delhi. In this day my activity was full only inside the Hilton Garden Inn hotel only. Because on that day, I mean on 30th June, the launching of GenWI Chapter India held in this hotel.
I know it is too much late to share about this, because it is already 2 month gone. But I think it is not big deal, in my opinion, it is better to be late rather than nothing. Okay...lets continue the story.
So...the program was started at 4:30 pm (if I am not wrong). As per the team work formed in the previous night, we were worked together to make the program successful. The peoples invited to come to this program was mostly the Indonesian student those who study in India.
The staff from the Indonesian embassy also present. The special thing was there was many Indian teenager also attending the program. Do you know who are they?
They were the Indian teenager that learning Bahasa Indonesia in Indonesian embassy New Delhi. Do you know, they speak Bahasa Indonesia fluently. As what I know they had a dream to visit Indonesia. They also had planning to continue their study in Indonesia.
Back to the topic.
So the program was running successfully. We started the program by sang the anthem of Indonesia, that is Indonesia Raya song. Then it was continued with the welcome speech, introduction about what what is that GenWI, tourism presentation by Mr. Don Kardono as the chief person in this program and the main point of this program was initiation and launcing of GenWI India.
The program was ended by photo session together and continued with dinner.
So what is GenWI India?
Okay, let me try to explain it.
GenWI was initiated by the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia for the promotion of Indonesian tourism abroad. The member of GenWI is the Indonesian student those who study abroad. GenWI India is one of it, because there are many Indonesian student in India.
The Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia invited the young generation of Indonesia to participate to promote Indonesian tourism, particularly in India. As now is the era of social media, so the promotion of many aspect of business as well as tourism will be easier through social media.
So as the Indonesian student in India, we participate to promote Indonesian tourism destination in India under the umbrella of GenWI India.
By the way, that is about GenWI India. See you in the next post. Follow GenWI India on instagram @genwi_india.
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