Di jaman modern ini setiap orang memiliki kesibukan yang cukup padat sehingga tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan kegiatan dasar rumah tangga, misalnya mencuci. Dengan kehadiran mesin cuci tentu hal ini sangat membantu dan meringankan beban khususnya beban ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam mencuci. Tahu mesin cuci kan?
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My First Day in New Delhi
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Oh God...I still unable to remove my laziness from my daily life. Because of this laziness I unable to write blog post continuously.
Well, by the way I in this post I want to share again about my Delhi Day. As I said in the last post, on 28 June 2018 was my first time in New Delhi. Exactly in the evening we reached the Hilton Garden Inn hotel, there was no activity on that day. The real activity was started on 29th.
On 29th June, the activity was started in the afternoon. Actually there was a plan to started in the morning but due to some reason, it was cancelled and rescheduled to afternoon. So from morning to noon, we just simply to take rest in the hotel.
Lunch together
So we started the activity by took lunch together. We went to a Chinese restaurant. I don't know the exact place so I unable to mention the place name, but the restaurant name is Sidewok. We took lunch in that restaurant together. May be it was about 20 people joining for the lunch.
Along with taking lunch we were keep in touch, introducing each other and share about our native, our study and many things. After the lunch we continue our activity that was visited the Indonesian Embassy. The Indonesian Embassy was very close from that restaurant.
In Indonesian Embassy
So that was my first time to visited Indonesian Embassy even though I already three and half years in India. Why? Because absolutely we did not have any exact purpose to visit the embassy in New Delhi...hehe. Also it is very distance.
There in embassy we were simply roaming here and there, because we were only following the staff from Tourism Minister of Indonesia to meet the Ambassador. So we were only waiting for them outside.
Back to Hotel
After spend the time about 2 hour in the embassy, then we back to hotel. But before we entering the hotel we stopped in the mall that very-very close to the hotel. Actually the hotel and the mall is in one building only. It was about 1 hour we stayed in the mall then back to hotel.
So the activity we did in the hotel was small meeting to discussed about the formation and launching GenWI chapter India. GenWI is the short form of Generasi Wonderful Indonesia. In that meeting we discussed about the leader and the member of GenWI India. We also discussed about the rundown of launching ceremony in the next day, that was 30th June.
After completing the meeting, we went for dinner together. That was the ending of my first day in New Delhi. What about my second day? See you in the next post.
Sesuai dengan judul, pada tulisan ini saya akan membahas cara memperbaiki partisi hardisk yang berubah menjadi format RAW agar bisa menjadi partisi NTFS lagi tanpa melakukan format jadi dan data-data juga tidak hilang. Jadi tidak pakai lama lah, singkat dan tidak membuang-buang waktu berharga kamu.
Laptop telanjang Jika sudah hobi maka apapun akan dilakukan untuk memnuhi hobi tersebut. Tidak hanya anda namun juga termasuk saya. Jika anda pemakai Acer Aspire 4726Z maka lanjutkan membaca sampai selesai. Jika laptop anda selain laptop ini, anda boleh berhenti samapi disini saja, dan jika anda lanjut membaca sampai selesai saya sangat berterimakasih.
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