Di jaman modern ini setiap orang memiliki kesibukan yang cukup padat sehingga tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan kegiatan dasar rumah tangga, misalnya mencuci. Dengan kehadiran mesin cuci tentu hal ini sangat membantu dan meringankan beban khususnya beban ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam mencuci. Tahu mesin cuci kan?
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Long March for Promoting Yoga
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Well...in this post I want to talk about yoga. I am sure 100 % all of you know about yoga. As we know yoga have been spread all over the world. I can say that now all country celebrate International Day of Yoga since its inception in 2015. June 21st was declared as International Day of Yoga.
Why 21st June?
The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi suggested 21st June as Yoga Day because on 21st June is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, as we know well that yoga was originated from India.
As well as in other country, in India we were also celebrating Yoga Day, particularly in place where I am staying now, that Koppa.
How We celebrated Yoga Day
We celebrated Yoga by conducting some programs, but the program that routinely we had done that is yoga coaching to some schools in Koppa for 7 day before the Yoga Day. This program was initiated by my college where I am studying now, Aroor Laksmi Narayana Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College. So every year my college will distribute the student, particularly the 3rd year students, to some school to give yoga coaching to the school student.
Yoga is part of subject in 3rd year syllabus, that is Swasthavrtta subject. That is why the 3rd year Ayurveda student selected as the participant of this program.
The others program that is joint program conducted with yoga group outside of the campus. This program was conducted in Town Hall of Koppa Town. This program conducted in the early morning during Yoga Day. I will talk about this in the next post.
Well as the title of this post, the topic I want to talk about is the long march that we did on to celebrate International Day of Yoga. In local language this long march called as Jaata. We did this Jaata exactly 1 day before Yoga Day, that was on 20th June. Actually in previous year also we did the same thing.
There were many Yoga group...mmm what I can say...many or may be about 4 to 5 Yoga institution in Koppa that participate during this Jaata. I don't know their group name exactly because this is my opinion after observing them when we were gathering together in Town Hall before we started the long march.
So...that day, that was on 20th June 2018 in the evening about 4 pm we got on together in the Town Hall. My college sent 2 batch of students to participate, that was my junior batch, that is 3rd year students and my batch, that is the final year students. The remaining participants for this Jaata was the yoga institutions that available in Koppa.
About 5 pm we were started the long march. The route of the long march was from the town hall to the bus station, returned back then went to the Sringeri road. From this road we were returned back to the Town Hall. It was about 1.5 hours we were walking.
The purpose to do this long march was to persuade the people to aware about yoga, to practice yoga, and make yoga a the part of daily life. Else to make people aware that in the next day is the International Day of Yoga.
Even though during that Jaata was raining, but every body were happy to walked under the rain, but absolutely under the umbrella. That was the 3rd time we did long march in Koppa to promote yoga, I mean to spread the spirit of yoga, to make the people aware about Yoga Day and hopefully by doing yoga everybody will get healthy body and mind.
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