Di jaman modern ini setiap orang memiliki kesibukan yang cukup padat sehingga tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan kegiatan dasar rumah tangga, misalnya mencuci. Dengan kehadiran mesin cuci tentu hal ini sangat membantu dan meringankan beban khususnya beban ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam mencuci. Tahu mesin cuci kan?
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International Day of Yoga in Koppa
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Well I will continue to talk about International Day of Yoga in this post. As I said in the last post about the Jaata of yoga, in this post I want to talk about the day of Yoga Day, that is 21st June.
So as the previous year, we celebrated Yoga Day in two places, that are in Koppa Town Hall and in our college Aroor Laksmi Narayana Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College.
As same as the Jaata program, the Yoga Day celebration on 21st June was celebrated in Koppa Town Hall. Actually I did not attend the program in Town Hall in this year, so I did not know exactly how was the run down of the program.
But as per my experience attend the program in the last year the program usually will be fulfilled by some speech from the chief guest, yoga master, and by the organizer of the program. There will be mass yoga by doing Surya Namaskara and short yoga session.
Usually also will be some yoga dance performance. Regarding the yoga dance performance I am very sure because in last June some of my friend from my batch made a yoga dance group and went to attend the program in town. If I not wrong the yoga dance also performed by junior batch. So that is about the program in Town Hall.
I my college the celebration of Yoga Day was celebrated in the evening of 21st June. So my junior, that is 3rd year student as the organizer and conducted the program. It was compulsory for all the student of my college to attend the program.
The program was started on 4:30 pm and ended about on 6 pm. The rundown of the program was speech from the senior lecturer, wise principal, and the principal of my college. Else there was speech from the student about Yoga. Yoga dance performance also performed by 3rd year student then yoga demo presentation by tow student.
The only point that miss from the Yoga Day celebration in my college was the mass yoga by all the student and lecturer that attend the program. I my opinion to celebrate Yoga Day absolutely we must do the yoga itself. But it already happened, hope in the next Yoga Day the program will be conducted better.
Yoga Day not only on 21st June, we must make every day as Yoga Day. Yoga Day will become special day if after celebrating it there is changes in our life style. For example if previously we did not practice yoga, after celebrate Yoga Day we start practice yoga.
We must make yoga as the life style and we will never get any disease.
Well I know this post regarding yoga day is late because it almost complete one month late. But the main point I want to share that is we did something about yoga, to make peoples aware about yoga and again...to invite peoples to do yoga and make yoga as lifestyle.
Let celebrate yoga day every day. Note: the above video is the documentation of Yoga Day celebration in my college.
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