Di jaman modern ini setiap orang memiliki kesibukan yang cukup padat sehingga tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan kegiatan dasar rumah tangga, misalnya mencuci. Dengan kehadiran mesin cuci tentu hal ini sangat membantu dan meringankan beban khususnya beban ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam mencuci. Tahu mesin cuci kan?
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Learning Hindi #1
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Well …this post I will write it in English. Usually I posted
new post using Bahasa Indonesia, but now I want to mix it.
This post is about my Hindi Learning process. A few days back
I ask to my friend to teach me Hindi. It is complete three years I am here in
India but until now I cannot speak in Hindi. Actually sometime my friends teach
me some Hindi words, but because of I was not in proper concentration to learn
it so those words not stay in my mind and also because of not regularly
practice to pronounce that words make me easy to forget.
From this week I make a plan to regularly learning Hindi.
The first day my friend teach me Hindi is on Monday 18 August 2017. I learned
some words and sentence that used in daily conversation. It was very interesting
learning. Actually I always like to learn new language. For examples about 2016
I learned Javanese language. I was very lucky that my neighbor happily tought
me this language.
Now I am lucky also because my friend with pleasure teach
me. Actually most of my friend like to help me to learn local language, I mean
not only Hindi but also Kannada and Malayalam. Here I am staying in Karnataka
so my friend more speaks Kannada language. Many also speaks Malayalam
especially for them who are from Kerala.
Actually I have to learn Kannada first, because I live and
study in society using Kannada language. As medical student absolutely during
the internship I have to meet the patient and I must able to speak in their
language. Because here in India not all people speaks Hindi even though Hindi
is the national language.
Learning Hindi is easiest according to me. Why? First, Hindi
and my language have many similar words. My language is Bahasa Indonesia. I don’t
know exactly why there are many similar words between Hindi and Bahasa
Indonesia. May be because of culture relation. Some example of similar words
such as topi, kursi, sabar, akal, etc.
Second, Hindi is the national language. So wherever I go in
India this language will help me communicate to the people, even though English
is enough because mostly Indian people speaks English.
Third, this is the serious thing. In classroom while
teaching our lecturer using English but outside of class some of them will
speaks to me in Hindi as well as in Kannada. Example: my Rasa Shastra lecturer
will always use Hindi when talks to me, even he knows that I am not understand
Well that is about my
Hindi study. Hope it will be continuous.
Sesuai dengan judul, pada tulisan ini saya akan membahas cara memperbaiki partisi hardisk yang berubah menjadi format RAW agar bisa menjadi partisi NTFS lagi tanpa melakukan format jadi dan data-data juga tidak hilang. Jadi tidak pakai lama lah, singkat dan tidak membuang-buang waktu berharga kamu.
Laptop telanjang Jika sudah hobi maka apapun akan dilakukan untuk memnuhi hobi tersebut. Tidak hanya anda namun juga termasuk saya. Jika anda pemakai Acer Aspire 4726Z maka lanjutkan membaca sampai selesai. Jika laptop anda selain laptop ini, anda boleh berhenti samapi disini saja, dan jika anda lanjut membaca sampai selesai saya sangat berterimakasih.
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