Today is Galungan, Galungan is a festival of the victory of Dharma on Adharma . Dharma mean the following of the four principle are sacrifice, donation, self control, and truth or purity. And Adharma mean do not do prohibiting in our life called stealling, intoxication, killing, and illicit sex . So, principly how can we control the things that called Dharma and avoid Adharma. Galungan celebrated once every 6 month. Generaly Galungan celebrate by all Hinduism in Indonesia, especially Balinese Hinduism. Galungan celebrate in Yogyakarta , Lampung, Sulawesi, and in other province also, but not lively like in Bali becouse there is no days off during Galungan. Such us in Yogyakarta, temple worship is usually held at night. There are usually four temple that I visited, that is Eka Dharma Temple (close my house), Jagadnatha Temple, Dero Temple and Karang Gede Temple . Especially in the Jagatnatha Temple, in the evening when Galungan also conducting a piodalan . Piodalan is the ann...